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Seven Layers of IT Security



Seven Layers Of IT Security

Blog Credit: Trupti Thakur

Image Courtesy: Google

Seven Layers of IT Security


What are IT security Layers?

IT security layers refer to the several levels of security controls that may be used to defend against online attacks. As we know, there are many other alternatives, but the “defense in depth” paradigm is a typical framework for layering cybersecurity measures. To provide a more thorough and effective defense against cyber-attacks, this concept entails putting in place many layers of security measures.

Layers of IT security

There are seven layers of IT security that are mentioned and explained below:

Layer1- Mission-critical assets

Layer2- Data security

Layer3- Application Security

Layer4- Endpoint Security

Layer5- Network Security

Layer6- Perimeter Security

Layer7- The Human layer

Let us understand each layer from the bottom to the top manner.

Layer 7 – The Human Layer

Humans alone are responsible for 90% of data breaches, making them the weakest link in any cyber security strategy. Human security includes the following measures:

  1. Phishing simulations,
  2. Access management guidelines which controls the mission-critical assets from a range of human threats,
  3. Cybercriminals,
  4. Malicious insiders, and
  5. Irresponsible users.

Security Plan: The greatest approaches to keep the human layer safe comes under the education and training. This includes guidelines on how to spot and respond to phishing attempts, strong password techniques, system hardening, and cyber security awareness.

Access restriction is a good idea for safeguarding the human layer since they can lessen the potential damage from a successful assault.

Layer 6 – Perimeter Security

The perimeter security controls have digital and physical security measures that protect the entire business. When identifying the type of data being transferred across this layer, we must first determine our perimeter. After that, we must secure both data and the device.

Security Plan: Installation of firewalls, data encryption, antivirus software, and device management are the security strategies that are crucial when a company allows its employees to use their own devices. This layer also establishes a safe demilitarised zone to enhance security.

Layer5 – Network Security

There are various methods of network security used to protect a company’s network and helps in preventing unauthorized access. The main concern with the network layer is what people and devices may access once they are on a network. Network Security methods/techniques are mainly used to protect the important data of an organization from network attacks.

Security Plan: If no individual has access to everything, then any successful hack only compromises a tiny piece of the network. At this stage, the security measures only allow the devices and workers to access only those network resources that are essential for them to perform their tasks.

Layer4 – Endpoint Security

Any device that is linked to your network is referred to as an endpoint. As we mentioned above, there are so many endpoints on networks nowadays that it may be a bit daunting. To manage and monitor these devices, it is crucial to present a robust policy.

Security Plan: At this level, encryption is essential, but it can’t merely apply to your data. To make sure that the devices themselves are operating in safe settings, endpoint encryption must be installed.
A crucial component of endpoint security is mobile device management (MDM). MDM is a system that gives permissions to access the devices remotely, with this it also lets you to restrict access to some networked devices, which is an excellent feature. You may use this capability to lock down mobile devices and erase all of their data to prevent future damage.

Layer3 – Application Security

This layer of IT security covers all the programs and applications which are using by the user. Various programs like Microsoft Office, Teams, Zoom, and others, which performs our daily tasks would be secured.

Security Plan: In this situation, the simplest thing you can do to update your programs or applications regularly. Due to this, it is possible to secure and safe the application and also helps in ensuring that the existing security flaws are fixed.

In this stage, the security measures will use sandboxes for browser-based applications and the software restriction guidelines to prevent unauthorized software which is being executed on your network. Along with this, we can save things by using the next-generation firewalls which are working with integrated app protection.

Layer2 – Data Security

Cybercriminals mainly target the data in almost every instance. This layer mainly deals with providing high security to the data. As the data is considered as the heart and soul of a business.

Your company’s specific needs will determine the type of data you have, but it may include customer information, payment information, social security numbers, trade secrets (and other intellectual property), and healthcare data.

Security Plan: At this stage, file, and disc encryption, regular backups of all crucial data and operations, two-factor authentication, enterprise rights management, and policies are ensuring that data is deleted from inactive devices or that are being given to another person for use.

Layer1 – Mission Critical Assets

Anything without which your company cannot thrive is listed here. This covers operating systems, cloud infrastructure, software tools, and electronic health records. The difficulty at this layer is that what is crucial for one business may not be crucial for yours. To secure your business, you must first identify the essential elements of it.

Why Layer Security At All?

Back to Mishaal for a moment:

If you start approaching every aspect of security, perfecting every single security control – it will never end. There will always be new holes, new vulnerabilities. That’s a losing battle in my opinion.

Hackers are always ahead of us. So, we need to have a layered approach and then get narrower and narrower, going through the multiple layers. The layered approach has many advantages. If somebody infiltrates one or two layers, there are still more. Even if all those layers, individually, are weak, combined they form a strong deterrence to attackers.

In essence, deterrence.

A multi-pronged approach to cybersecurity that centers on what you need to protect most is the best way to protect your organization.

How Do You Build A Layered Cybersecurity Program?

A robust security posture doesn’t happen overnight.

The first step is to understand your current environment. Businesses today have complex environments. Remote work, globalization, and cloud computing have dramatically improved efficiencies and productivity in the workplace – but these changes have also added new vectors for attackers.

Perform Basic Discovery

What systems do you use? How many devices? Do you have a firewall? DNS filtering? Access management? The first step is to take an inventory of your current systems.

Test, Analyze, And Repeat

Are your current security controls correctly configured and effective? Before investing in new security tools or solutions, first make sure what you have is what you need. Use the testing and analysis to inform your next decision.

Assess Your Security Program And Compliance

Is there any low-hanging fruit you can snatch to earn some quick wins? What steps do you need to take to ensure you are compliant with industry or federal regulations? Identify what you need to fix first and prioritize security investments.


Strategically Build In Remediation And Controls

Simply forcing users to take a mandated phishing video course or enabling two-factor authorization isn’t incredibly strategic – nor is it always effective. For every control you implement, repeat testing and analysis to ensure it is effective.

And Yet – Prepare To Be Attacked

More than 80% of organizations have been the victims of a cybersecurity attack. Remember, you can never be 100% secure. Ensure you have a tested backup and disaster recovery program and incident response plan.


The 7 Layers Of Security In The Time Of COVID-19


The outbreak of the coronavirus across the world has long-lasting impacts on cybersecurity and the layers of security protection. In fact, we recently provided analysis of the Barracuda report that found 46% of all companies have reported a cybersecurity incident following the outbreak of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown.

There are a number of factors leading to these numbers:

  • Rapid remote deployments
  • Reliance on digital communications
  • Disruption to security processes
  • Different risks in remote environments
  • Shift to cloud-based infrastructures

The increase and likely success of these attacks (49% of survey respondents expected to be the victims of a data breach during the month of April) is cause for concern. Weak or gap-ridden cybersecurity postures will quickly be tested and vulnerabilities will be exploited – if they haven’t been already.

Cyber criminals thrive on uncertainty. The vast amount of change gives them free rein to manipulate, coerce, and exploit.

A holistic model that uses layers of security to protect mission-critical assets is critical. Even if a phishing campaign is successful or a remote network is compromised, the CISO who implements layered approach will have nets further along that decrease vertical and lateral movement within the network of malicious forces.


Blog By: Trupti Thakur

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