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The Flamingo



The Flamingo

Oct 26, 2023

Blog Credit: Trupti Thakur

Image Courtesy: Google

Flamingo Project

The universe, with its vast array of stars, galaxies, and celestial wonders, has long captivated the minds of astronomers and cosmologists. Among the myriad questions that continue to puzzle scientists, the distribution of matter in the cosmos remains a fundamental enigma. Recent efforts by the FLAMINGO project aimed to shed light on this cosmic mystery, but the findings have introduced a perplexing conundrum known as the “S8 tension.”


The Cosmic Puzzle Unveiled

Despite the advancements in astronomical research, one fundamental question persists: How is matter distributed throughout the universe today? This query stems from the conflicting results obtained through various cosmological observations. Astronomers and researchers have grappled with the challenge of reconciling their differing views on the current distribution of matter, giving rise to the mysterious S8 tension.


Unpacking the S8 Tension

The S8 tension is a measure of the lumpiness or clustering of matter in the universe. It can be precisely calculated using low-redshift observations, such as weak gravitational lensing surveys, which provide insights into the structure of the distant, ancient universe. However, the value of S8 derived from the standard model of cosmology, based on cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements, does not align with values obtained from low-redshift observations. This discrepancy forms the perplexing heart of the S8 tension.


FLAMINGO Project’s Bold Simulation

The FLAMINGO project, or Full-hydro Large-scale structure simulations with All-sky Mapping for the Interpretation of Next Generation Observations, embarked on a comprehensive quest to address this cosmic puzzle. Unlike previous simulations that solely considered the effects of dark matter on the evolving universe, FLAMINGO’s simulation factored in the influence of both dark matter and ordinary matter, governed by gravity and gas pressure.


An Unsolved Enigma

Despite this all-encompassing approach, which took into account the most extreme processes, the FLAMINGO project’s simulation fell short of explaining the observed weak clumping of matter in the present-day universe. While the simulation marked significant progress, it did not offer a definitive solution to the S8 tension. This leaves cosmologists grappling with uncertainty and pondering various intriguing possibilities.


Exploring the Unknown

Scientists speculate that perhaps the effects of normal matter are more substantial than previously assumed. Alternatively, they consider that the standard model of cosmology or even the standard model of physics may have limitations. Dark matter, they propose, might possess exotic self-interacting properties not accounted for in the standard model, signaling a gap in our understanding of gravity on cosmic scales.


What Lies Ahead

While the FLAMINGO project’s simulation did not resolve the S8 tension, it illuminated the complexities of matter distribution in the universe. These findings provide valuable insights to cosmologists and may help identify potential errors in current measurements, potentially unraveling the cause of this enigmatic cosmic phenomenon.


We gaze up at the night sky, captivated by the glittering stars and galaxies that decorate the cosmos. Yet, beneath this mesmerizing spectacle lies a perplexing cosmic conundrum: How is matter truly distributed throughout the universe?

Despite its apparent simplicity, the answer to this question has become a baffling puzzle for scientists. However, a glimmer of hope has emerged in the form of a groundbreaking computer simulation conducted by an international team of astronomers known as the FLAMINGO project, the Royal Astronomical Society announced in a release.

This pioneering endeavor is believed to be the largest-ever cosmological computer simulation, aiming to decode the enigma of matter distribution within our universe. Unlike its predecessors, which predominantly focused on dark matter, the FLAMINGO simulations are designed to encompass all components of the universe, including ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy, all governed by the fundamental laws of physics.

As these simulations unfold, they offer a virtual window into the universe’s evolution, unveiling the emergence of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The intricate cosmic web fuels these cosmic structures, a vast framework comprised of filaments woven from both ordinary matter, also referred to as baryonic matter and enigmatic dark matter.

Joop Schaye, a professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands and a co-author of the FLAMINGO project, emphasized the significance of this approach. “Although the dark matter dominates gravity, the contribution of ordinary matter can no longer be neglected,” Schaye stated.

The FLAMINGO project has already yielded initial insights into the essential roles of neutrinos and ordinary matter in providing accurate predictions. However, these revelations do not entirely dispel the discrepancies plaguing cosmological observations. The computational simulations introduced the complex interactions of ordinary matter, which comprises only sixteen percent of the universe’s total value. They must contend not only with gravity but also with the influence of gas pressure. The unpredictable effects of galactic winds, instigated by phenomena such as active black holes and supernovae, further complicate the dynamics of ordinary matter. Furthermore, the role of neutrinos, subatomic particles with a minuscule but imprecisely known mass, remains a pivotal aspect yet to be simulated.

The FLAMINGO project’s simulations

The ambitious project embarked on a series of computer simulations, carefully tracking the formation of structures in dark matter, ordinary matter, and neutrinos. The calibration of galactic winds, a significant factor in these simulations, was accomplished through machine learning. By comparing diverse simulations of relatively small volumes with observed galaxy masses and gas distributions in galaxy clusters, the scientists achieved a more accurate representation of these astrophysical processes.

The FLAMINGO project leveraged a supercomputer to execute these simulations across varying cosmic volumes and resolutions. Notably, the most extensive simulation involved an astonishing 300 billion resolution elements, each akin to the mass of a small galaxy, within a cubic volume spanning ten billion light years. This achievement is considered the most extensive cosmological computer simulation that includes ordinary matter.

Matthieu Schaller, also from Leiden University, played a pivotal role in the success of this endeavor. He explained, “To make this simulation possible, we developed a new code, SWIFT, which efficiently distributes the computational work over 30 thousand CPUs.”

In addition to providing unprecedented visual insights into the universe’s evolution, the FLAMINGO simulations play a vital role in bridging the gap between theoretical predictions and the extensive data collected by advanced astronomical facilities like the Euclid Space Telescope and NASA’s JWST. These simulations serve as a crucial tool for interpreting the wealth of data on galaxies, quasars, and stars, enabling a deeper understanding of the universe’s mysteries.

Significance of the project

The FLAMINGO project’s significance extends to resolving a pressing cosmological dilemma known as the “S8 tension.” This enigma revolves around the distribution of matter in the cosmos and is characterized by the parameter S8. This parameter quantifies the clumpiness or clustering of all matter within the universe and can be precisely measured through low-redshift observations. However, the value of S8, when determined from cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments, differs from measurements obtained through weak gravitational lensing surveys. This paradox, referred to as the S8 tension, poses a significant challenge to the standard model of cosmology.

Computer simulations such as those conducted by the FLAMINGO project have the potential to shed light on the origins of the S8 tension. These simulations may aid in identifying potential errors in current measurements, providing insights into whether the tension is rooted in uncertainties in observations or pertains to the CMB itself.

Intriguingly, the team speculates that the influence of ordinary matter may be more substantial than initially anticipated. Despite the complexities of galactic winds and other processes, current simulations align well with the observed properties of galaxies and galaxy clusters. Like the universe itself, this perplexing cosmic puzzle continues to evolve, with astronomers and cosmologists relying on cutting-edge simulations to unlock its mysteries and refine our understanding of the cosmos.



Blog By: Trupti Thakur

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