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AI Action Summit 2025



Blog Credit : Trupti Thakur

Image Courtesy : Google

AI Action Summit 2025

On 10 and 11 February 2025, Paris will become the artificial intelligence (AI) capital of the world on the occasion of the AI Action Summit. This event will bring together heads of State and Government, international organizations and companies of all sizes, representatives from academia, researchers, non-governmental organizations, artists and other members of civil society from across the globe.

Artificial intelligence, which is developing faster and faster, is completely transforming our societies and economies. This breakthrough technology is opening up unprecedented opportunities that could revolutionize key sectors, including health, education and labour. Its rapid deployment also creates major challenges in terms of the reliability of information, the protection of basic rights and accessibility. It is the international community’s responsibility to maintain balance in our societies and to craft AI that respects universal values.

France, a global leader in artificial intelligence

France has emerged as a major artificial intelligence player thanks to:

  • A national strategy deployed in 2018, built on the excellence of French research, the development of computing capacities (Jean Zay and Alice Recoque supercomputers) and the massive adoption of AI in the economy;
  • An ecosystem of 600 start-ups specialized in AI, which receive increasing amounts of financing;
  • A fully mobilized diplomatic apparatus, France being one of the seven countries participating in all landmark international AI initiatives;
  • Albert, an administrative model designed for government employees.

What is the AI Action Summit?

The AI Action Summit, to be held on 10 and 11 February 2025 at the Grand Palais in Paris, aims to collectively establish scientific foundations, solutions and standards for more sustainable AI working for collective progress and in the public interest.

Co-chaired with India, the event builds on the advances made at the Bletchley Park Summit in November 2023 and the Seoul Summit in May 2024 and will draw on the expertise of a steering committee bringing together some 30 countries and international institutions to ensure inclusive and diverse contributions.

The Summit, together with the AI Action Week, will be an important opportunity to showcase ecosystems fostering the development and deployment of AI and to promote concrete initiatives by a wide range of actors who contribute to this collective effort.

The participants will seek to achieve three major objectives:

  • Provide access to independent, safe and reliable AI to a wide range of users
  • Develop AI that is more environmentally friendly
  • Ensure global governance of artificial intelligence that is both effective and inclusive

A programme based on 5 strategic focuses

Summit discussions will focus on five major themes:

  • Public Service AI
  • Future of Work
  • Innovation and Culture
  • Trust in AI
  • Global Governance of IA

More information on the AI Action Summit

More than 800 participants (public and private sector partners, researchers, NGOs from around the world) have taken part in contact groups, meeting regularly from summer 2024.

AI Action Week

A series of Road to the Summit events helped prepare this major event. At some 100 events around the world, participants took part in discussions on the Summit’s themes.

These international efforts will come to fruition in an AI Action Week in Paris from 6 to 11 February, culminating in the Summit.

  • 6 and 7 February: International AI, Science and Society Conference at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris)

Find the Conference programme on the AI, Science and Society Conference website

  • 8 and 9 February: A series of events dedicated to culture and AI in Paris, open to the general public

Find the programme for the AI Cultural Weekend on the Ministry of Culture website

  • 10 February: The Summit will begin in the Grand Palais with a forum bringing together many stakeholders from around the world (including representatives of governments, businesses and civil society, researchers, artists and journalists).
  • 11 February: Summit of the heads of State and Government on the major common AI actions on the occasion of the plenary session
  • 11 February: More than 100 events will be held in the margins of the Summit, including a Business Day at Station F, with participants from businesses and companies of all sizes, financial institutions, and investors.

Side events to be held on the closing day of AI Action Week in Paris will include events dedicated to artificial intelligence and democracy and the environmental impact of these technologies at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, respectively.



Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi co-chaired the AI Action Summit today along with the President of France, H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron in Paris. The week-long summit, which began with the Science Days on February 6-7, followed by the Cultural Weekend on February 8-9, culminated in a High-Level Segment attended by global leaders, policymakers, and industry experts.

The High-Level Segment commenced with a dinner hosted by President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée Palace on February 10, bringing together Heads of State and Government, leaders of international organizations, CEOs of major AI companies and other distinguished participants.

At the Plenary Session today, President Macron invited Prime Minister to deliver the opening address as the co-chair of the summit. In his address, Prime Minister noted that the world was at the dawn of the AI age where this technology was fast writing the code for humanity and re-shaping our polity, economy, security and society. Emphasizing that AI was very different from other technological milestones in human history in terms of impact, he called for collective global efforts to establish governance and standards that uphold shared values, address risks and build trust. He further added that governance was not just about managing risks but also about promoting innovation and deploying it for the global good. In this regard, he advocated for ensuring access to AI for all, especially the Global South. He called for democratizing technology and its people-centric applications so that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals becomes a reality. Alluding to the success of India-France sustainability partnership through initiatives such as the International Solar Alliance, PM stated that it was only natural that the two countries were joining hands to forge an innovation partnership for a smart and responsible future.

Prime Minister highlighted India’s success in building a Digital Public Infrastructure for its 1.4 billion citizens based on open and accessible technology. Talking about India’s AI Mission, PM noted that India, considering its diversity, was building its own Large Language Model for AI. He underlined that India was ready to share its experience to ensure that the benefits of AI reach everyone. Prime Minister announced that India will be hosting the next AI Summit. The full address of Prime Minister may be seen here.

The summit featured discussions on critical themes, including greater access to AI infrastructure to ensure inclusion, the responsible use of AI, AI for public interest, making AI more diverse and sustainable, and ensuring safe and trusted governance of AI.



Blog By : Trupti Thakur

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